
Spring is a mere 8 days away!

And I am excited about the possibilities this new year shall offer for my garden.  In case you hadn't noticed ;) I love gardens =)   From my earliest recollections my mother has grown beautiful flowers and gardened.  My youngest memories are of house plants and a flowers around the front door and then she and my father kept a large, beautiful, and thriving vegetable garden.  As the years went on she progressed to her house looking like a personal indoor jungle and her yard like a park ~ a secret garden of sorts.  I hope my children will have similar lovely memories of their growing up days when they are grown.

This year I am hoping to grow even more herbs than I did last year and to grow cayenne, jalepeno & bell peppers as well as the usual tomatoes, cucumbers, green beans, zucchini, red onions, and I can't wait to see how my asparagus and rhubarb is coming along.  How about you? Do any of my readers keep a garden?  If so, what do you hope to grow this year?

Visit this informative website from which this amazing photo originates:

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