

I love it!  Especially the planting part, the weeding part I would happily leave to others :)  Today it is raining, so no playing in my garden but I thought I would share some photos of it for those of you who like me is stuck indoors! :) This is my garden at the beginning with strips of fabric and sticks used to set up my rows and walking paths.  See my lavender growing in the black tubs to the right?  I love that stuff!!!  I also have two boxes that eventually will be one for Rhubarb and the other Asparagus. 

This is the other side of the garden.  We went for wide rows and raised beds... Lots of work!! I decided to double dig and everything, which is huge for me as I might be a bit lazy ;-) 

This is what my beloved calls my "Prize winning garden" LOL because he rototilled an area that my mom has been putting horse manure for the past couple of years.  It really is quite the adventure my little hillbilly backyard!!  We have tried several things for the past few years to rid the yard of poison ivy and horse manure does seem to burn it up and kill it, yay! :)  My mom is a true green thumb, and me, well, I'm just trying to develop just a little bit of her talent!!

This is the garden prior to planting when it was in the preparation stage.  As the rain stops and I get a chance to get some pics of it now that it is planted I will post some more.  Before I go though let me share my yearly visitors whom I adore and have named Rachel and Alex.  Here they are, aren't they just adorable?

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