
Growth and Clouds :)

Yesterday was a lovely day! Ds and I were out in the yard inspecting our garden, bushes, and saying hi to our beautiful and happy Blue Spruce (a gift from my lovely mama).  Hard to imagine it will grow to be 82-98 ft. tall! I regret there isn't a picture of this tree on a digital camera, then I could show just how much it has grown in the 8 yrs since we planted it. At that time my ds was 2 and they both were small ~ look at them now!  Both growing like crazy :)

We celebrated a beautiful day and took some time to just look at the clouds ~ ever do that?  I love getting lost in their beauty, especially on days like today when there was a huge black Cumulonimbus cloud overhead and pretty blue sky peeking on the outskirts, with puffy white Cumulus clouds in the distance, they were quite distracting ~ thankfully I was able to keep my eye on the road and then get absorbed once home ;)

Here's a pic of the beauties from our home ~ I <3 clouds!

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